Team: Fiona Hale, Karen Jackson, Rachel Jones, Grace Killmer, Marei Witjes

Project Overview

This project arose from the need for consistent metropolitan-wide data and more equal access to services for local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. A common approach to addressing social disparities is through policy and programs targeted at Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. However, these are often needs based and can have problems with deficit frames, placing the responsibility on individuals and not addressing broader systemic and structural issues. The project worked with local Aboriginal communities within the Melbourne Metropolitan Regions to establish a knowledge base of research literature pertaining to services and programs for Aboriginal people, review existing local, state, federal, and international policies relating to Aboriginal people and selfdetermination, and capture region data. This was developed in collaboration with key Aboriginal stakeholders as members of their respective metropolitan regions.

Full Report

Project Resources

Supporting & Advancing Aboriginal Communities in Melbourne – Evidence from Community

Evidence from Community

downloadable pamphlet

Working with Aboriginal Organisations – Supporting Accountability to Community as non-Indigenous Staff

Working with Aboriginal Organisations – Supporting Accountability to Community as non-Indigenous Staff

downloadable pamphlet

Supporting & Advancing Aboriginal Communities in Melbourne – Evidence from existing program evaluations

Supporting & Advancing Aboriginal Communities in Melbourne – Evidence from existing program evaluations

downloadable pamphlet