Date: 3-4pm on Tuesday 1st of October
Location: Victoria University – Footscray Park Campus – C410
Gender Relations and Sport for Development in Colombia: A Decolonial Feminist Analysis
Playing sports has long been a taboo for women in Colombia, yet new spaces for female participation have emerged in recent decades. This talk explores the gendered nature of sport in Colombia through the lived experiences of female participants involved in a local Sport for Development and Peace organization. Building on ethnographic fieldwork and a decolonial feminist perspective, this talk will examine how cultural experiences of physicality are gendered but are potentially changing in the context of leisure practices and how this may shape power relations. Although more girls and women are participating in masculine leisure pursuits, there are critical limitations to social change and female participants demonstrate the coloniality of gender in action.
Dr Sarah Oxford is an expert on gender and inclusion in sport. Her work examines the intersections of gender, sexuality, race and class, with a particular focus in sport for development. She has published widely on these issues in peer-reviewed journals such as Sport in Society, Sociology of Sport Journal and Sport Management Review. She recently completed a PhD at Victoria University on gender relations and intersectionality in a Sport for Development and Peace organization in Colombia (2014-2018).