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The Community, Identity and Displacement Research Network (CIDRN) is a public intellectual space where research activities are encouraged and promoted. This broad network aims to draw together and foster scholarly investigation of new diasporas and changing meanings of displacement and identity. It is an intellectual space where new questions about indigeneity, racism, refugees, sense of place, social inclusion, social justice, transnationalism and xenophobia can be raised, debated and discussed.

CIDRN Projects

Publications by CIDRN members

PAPER – Blak Women’s Healing: Cocreating Decolonial Praxis Through Research Yarns

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Paola Balla, Karen Jackson, Rowena Price, -  Moondani Balluk, Victoria University Amy F. Quayle, and Christopher C. Sonn - Institute for Health and Sport, Victoria University This article is informed…

BOOK – Poking the WASP Nest Young People, Applied Theatre, and Education about Race

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Authors: André de Quadros, Dave Kelman, Julie White, Christopher C. Sonn, and Alison M. Baker This innovative project wrapped research around a youth theatre project. Young people of colour and…

PAPER – Fostering and sustaining transnational solidarities for transformative social change: Advancing community psychology research and action

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Christopher C. Sonn, Rachael Fox, Samuel Keast, Mohi Rua As we planned this special issue, the world was in the midst of a pandemic, one which brought into sharp focus…

PAPER – Subjectivities and the Space of Possibilities in Youth Programs: Countering Majoritarian Stories as Social Change in the Australian Context

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Samuel Keast & Christopher  Sonn The status quo of many not-for-profit organisations is well-intentioned service provision often coupled with an absence of critical understanding sustained by the restricting nature of neoliberal…

Statement on Gaza

At this moment in history, the world is grappling with what it means to be a witness to genocide, primarily in Palestine. As a select group of active members from the Community, Identity, and Displacement Research Network (CIDRN), we felt given the orientation and ethos of our work it was important to share the following statement as our way of acknowledging the ongoing genocide occurring in Gaza and to express our solidarity for self-determination for Palestinian people.

The witnessing of genocide and other ways of colonial violence in current times has elevated the already pressing need to understand and question the contexts that are contributing to and upholding the violation of human rights of Palestinian people and many Indigenous peoples around the world.

We hope to engage in actions, share information and participate in dialogues that contribute to the contextualisation of the pressing events occurring in Palestine and other spaces in the world, emphasising the fight for liberation and resistance to the realities of settler colonialism and occupation.

This statement does not represent everyone in the CIDRN network, but rather a select group of people whose names appear below. We also gladly invite those who wish to engage with this group or the wider CIDRN network to join us by signing up here.

Lutfiye Ali, CIDRN Active Member                                 Amy Quayle, CIDRN Active Member                          Sara Austin, CIDRN Active Member

Rachel Jones, CIDRN Active Member                            Matthew Klugman, CIDRN Active Member              Linda Chiodo, CIDRN Active Member

Angela Paredes Castro, CIDRN Active Member          Roshani Jayawardana, CIDRN Active Member        Nicole Oke, CIDRN Active Member

David McCallum, CIDRN Active Member                      Sam Keast, CIDRN Active Member            Juan-Camilo Riano Rodriguez, CIDRN Active Member